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The Ultra OG Collection

The Ultra OG Collection is a limited edition series of 120 completely unique, one-of-a-kind PFP designs.

Launched on November 3, 2021, the Ultra OG Collection holds the distinction of being Ultra’s oldest NFT project, debuting shortly after the launch of Ultra's own mainnet.

The collection was initially minted on Polygon and sold through the OpenSea marketplace at a fixed price of 0.01 ETH. All transactions were conducted through private sales and buyers were screened to verify community membership as well as to uphold a one purchase per person limit.

Sales on OpenSea concluded after half of the OG’s were sold and resumed on Sept 9, 2022, at the inaugural launch of Ultra's Uniq Marketplace as part of its opening lineup to become some of the first Uniqs in existence.

The Ultra OG Collection is proud to be represented by many of the most passionate and reputational members of the original Ultra community, individuals who have been active participants from its earliest days.

Going forward, the Collection will carry that legacy in establishing itself as one of the most prestigious brands on Ultra by holding a senior position within the upcoming Ultra VIP Initiative.

  • Taken literally, OG stands for “original gangster.”

    However, the term OG has changed since its origin in the 70s and is now popularized to mean being “original” or “first” at something.


    It is an expression of deep admiration and respect towards the past struggles that were overcome in order to be a pioneer. As such, there is an inherent connotation of seniority attached to the term.

  • The 120 Ultra OG’s are divided into the following groups:

    1 Hexagon (#1)

    Reserved by Ultranauts as the founder OG

    100 Standards (#2 - #101)

    Made available for public sale. 50 were sold to early buyers on OpenSea through private sales. The remaining 50 were listed on Ultra's Uniq Marketplace as part of its opening launch lineup.

    15 Diamonds (#102 - #116)

    Awarded to some of the most senior and well established members of the Ultra community (Wave 1 testers, community moderators, etc).

    4 Circles (#117 - #120)

    Reserved for future distribution (prize pools, awards, charity, etc).

    1 OG per group was reserved by Ultranauts: #88, #116, #118

  • There will never be any more OG’s outside of the existing 120

  • None. Their only purpose is to act as temporary placeholders for their Uniq counterparts on the Ultra network.


    As of 2024, the migration period from Polygon to Ultra has officially concluded and any unclaimed OG's have been reverted to the ownership of Ultranauts for redistribution.

  • Custom names were an exclusive perk for the early buyers on OpenSea that allowed them to personalize their particular OG.


    There was the option to retain the custom name when migrating the OG's from Polygon to Ultra and many holders chose to do so. Existing custom names cannot be removed or edited.

  • 5% resell commission
    No minimum resale price
    No restrictions on transferability

  • The Ultra OG Collection will derive its utility from the upcoming Ultra VIP initiative.

    OG’s will inherit many of the benefits attributed to being a VIP but with the added bonus of being freely transferable as a Uniq.

Oldest Ultra NFTs

Extremely limited supply

Freely transferable

Exclusive VIP benefits









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